Lead Paint - As required by state and federal laws, any property built before 1978 must have a lead certification administered before the property can be rented. We will not manage any property that lacks proper lead certification. We can certainly help you through this process and provide a list of quality lead inspectors.
Rental Registration - New laws require all rental properties to be registered with the appropriate jurisdiction. In Baltimore City, this simply involves the submission of a form, but the surrounding counties require that a license inspector examine the property. We can assist you with this process and recommend inspectors.
Smoke Alarm Laws - As of January 1, 2018, Maryland law requires:
* If smoke alarm is battery operated only, alarm must be powered by a 10 - year sealed battery and have a silence/hush feature.
* If smoke alarm is a hardwired alternating current (AC) alarm it may not be older than 10 years from the date of manufacture.
* One smoke alarm must be located on each level of the dwelling including the basement.